Karl Marx, Pääoma, first Finnish translation (1918-1976)




Shortly before Word War I, the young economist and socialist member of parliament Edward Gylling inspired a Finnish edition of “Capital”. It was published with the help of the Finnish literature Promotion Fund (SKE). Volume one was translated by OV Louhivuori, who later became the principal of the School of Economics. It appeared as a series of booklets between 1913 and 1917; in 1918 they were bound in one book.



The second volume was translated by Mauri Ryömä, the Communist Party's Executive Committee member and member of parliament. It appeared only in 1950. The third part was translated by Tiusanen and published in 1976.



Pääoma, Ensimäinen nide

First Finnish edition , 1918


KARL MARX PÄÄOMA Kansantaloustieteen arvostelu Ensimäinen nide Ensimäinen kirja: Kapitalistinen tuotanto Alkuperäisen teoksen kuudennesta painoksesta suomentanut O. W. LOUHIVUORI Helsingissä Työväen Sanomalehti-Osakeyhtiö
Suomennostyö on kustannettu „Suomalaisen kirjallisuuden edistämisrahaston“ varoilla Helsinki, Työväen kirjapaino 1918

(KARL MARX CAPITAL Economics Review My first volume My first book : The capitalist production of the sixth edition of the original work translated O.W. LOUHIVUORI Helsinki Workers’ Newspaper Company Suomennostyö has been paid for “the Finnish Literature Promotion Fund” funds. Helsinki, Labour printing house 1918)

(4), XX, 712, 79, (2)


I Ensimäisen painoksen alkulause, Karl Marx 1867

V Toisen painoksen alkulause , Karl Marx 1873

XII Kolmannen painoksen alkulause, Friedrich Engels 1883

XV Neljännen panoksen alkulause, Friedrich Engels 1890

1 Ensimäinen kirja Kapitalistinen tuotanto

1 Liite (Attachment)

4 Hakemisto jonka Karl Kraus (Index)

5 Johdanto (Introduction)

13 Luettelo (List)

Huomattuja painovirheitä (Spotted typographical errors)


Printed by Labour printing house, Helsinki

Published 1918

Original red cloth





Jussi Silvonen, “Sata vuotta ”Pääomaa” suomeksi”, 2013



From the collections of the Karl Marx Memorial Library Luxembourg



Copyright Karl Marx Memorial Library Luxembourg 2017


